Upper Back Pain Specialist, Upper Back Pain Treatment, And Pain Management Services At Metro Pain Centers

Expert Diagnosis And Treatment Of Upper Back Pain At Metro Pain Centers Today

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See An Upper Back Pain Specialist For Help With Your Acute Or Chronic Pain At Metro Pain Centers

Upper back pain is a relatively uncommon type of back pain that most people tend to dismiss out of hand. However, our experience at the Metro Pain Centers has shown that while that can be the case, there are often times where it’s a sign of something a lot more serious. This is why we have an entire suite of services that can diagnose and treat upper back pain effectively, whether it’s caused by something minor or serious.

By using the latest equipment and treatments, Metro Pain Centers helps our clients regain their usual quality of life after an episode of back pain. We understand that while it may not be as serious as other conditions, suffering from upper back pain can still be a significant detriment to how a person enjoys their life. That’s why we also personalize our treatments for our patients, providing them with the care that they need.

If you know someone who’s been suffering from upper back pain or have recently experienced the symptoms yourself, contact us today to book your consultation. Our team of medical experts and specialists is always ready to listen to your concerns and figure out the best treatment to ease your worries.

How Metro Pain Centers Helps Diagnose And Manage Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is usually connected to the muscles around the upper part of your body, specifically the muscles around the spinal column. Because your spine experiences a lot of strain and is relatively fragile in the face of certain situations like injury, developing upper back pain can be an early warning sign of mild or serious problems with your body.

Metro Pain Centers has extensive experience with the different types of upper back pain and their probable causes. Since it’s close to your spinal column and your head, we thoroughly check any symptoms of upper back pain if they indicate a more serious problem. Aside from physical examinations and consulting with the patient, we also use laboratory tests like X-rays and CT scans to get an in-depth look at what’s going on around your upper back.

Once we’ve determined the cause, we’ll work with you towards a treatment regimen that suits the needs of your upper back pain. Most cases of upper back pain usually require extended bed rest, pain medication, or some sessions of physical therapy. But for more serious cases, we can also help by providing medication, non-invasive treatments, and surgical options like spine decompression.

Why Go To Metro Pain Centers For Your Upper Back Pain

Metro Pain Centers understands that treatments for upper back pain sometimes need to go beyond making the pain go away or addressing its cause. We strongly believe in a comprehensive strategy of treatment, where the patient’s quality of life and comfort are equally important as providing them pain relief or treating the cause of their condition.

To get this ideal balance of treatment and comfort, we provide all our patients with the following:

  • Full support of a dedicated medical team: our team of specialists and highly-trained medical experts are always on-call and ready to assist you with whatever you need
  • Access to the latest treatments and equipment: in case of complications, we have a fully-equipped suite that can handle more serious concerns from upper back pain
  • Options for alternative treatments: we can also combine new treatments like platelet-rich plasma therapy with your primary care for better results
  • Dedicated oversight on your progress: we monitor you during and after your treatment sessions to ensure that you don’t experience more symptoms or develop a complication
  • Pre-emptive options for treatment: patients who are prone to developing upper back pain can also avail of our pre-emptive treatments to lower their risk of experiencing the symptoms

Metro Pain Centers believes in a proactive, long-term approach to managing upper back pain, especially for older patients or people with pre-existing conditions. We always aim to provide a comfortable environment that makes our patients feel at ease during their treatments, which can drastically improve their outlook.

FAQs About Upper Back Pain

Q: Can I treat upper back pain at home?

A: At-home remedies like hot and cold therapy, physical exercise, and orthopedic devices are all great ways to manage upper back pain, but you need to get a diagnosis from a medical professional before using these methods. Because the causes of upper back pain can vary, you must get a professional opinion about the best ways to treat it.

Q: Is upper back pain always serious?

A: Not always. While it is relatively uncommon compared to lower back or mid back pain, most cases of upper back pain are usually the result of active injury or poor posture. Even slightly more serious cases can be treated without the need for extensive medical procedures like surgery – so long as the condition is checked out by a medical professional.

Q: What’s the outlook like for people who suffer from upper back pain?

A: As long as it’s detected early and given the right treatment, most patients who experience upper back pain lead normal, healthy lives. Again, this is only possible if they get themselves checked out by a medical professional.

Trust Metro Pain Centers With Your Upper Back Pain Treatment

Upper back pain can be an early warning sign of a more serious condition that needs to be treated immediately – and Metro Pain Centers has all the tools and procedures necessary to take care of it when it happens. We believe in offering safe yet effective solutions to all types of neck pain without having to resort to surgery as the first option, relieving symptoms and diagnosing causes for the right treatment. Combined with our other regenerative therapies, you’re sure to be in good hands with us.

You can contact Metro Pain Centers today if you want help with upper back pain, or need to consult a specialist about the risks of getting upper back pain. Call us to book your appointment today.