Metro Pain Centers: Your Tension Headache Specialist And Headache Pain Management Expert

Get Effective Treatment And Relief From Tension Headaches At Metro Pain Centers

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Long-Term Solutions For Chronic Tension Type Headache With Metro Pain Centers

Metro Pain Centers is committed to giving our patients the best service that medical science can provide, even if the issue they have is as minor as a tension headache.  Whether it’s recommending medication to manage symptoms at home, rapid diagnosis to determine the severity of their tension headache or in-clinic treatment for pain relief, we work hard to ensure that you get the care needed for your condition.

At Metro Pain Centers, we pride ourselves on attention to detail, making sure that all of your questions and treatments are met when you need them. For tension headaches, we make sure that any acute tension headache attacks are treated as soon as possible – and for chronic tension headaches, lessen their severity and likelihood of occurring.

If you experience chronic tension headache attacks, facial pain from tension headaches, or other complications that come from getting a severe headache in general, contact us today for a consultation. Our team of headache specialists and medical experts can provide you with the answers and treatments you may need.

Understanding Tension Headaches Through Their Triggers

Tension headaches are characterized by a tight, restrictive feeling around your forehead. It can be accompanied by other symptoms like pain in the back of your eyes or neck, or numbness and weakness spreading down to your neck and shoulders. They’re most commonly caused by stress and improper posture, though other factors can also trigger them.

Some of these potential triggers include (but are not limited to):

  • Certain foods and beverages – alcohol and caffeine are common triggers for tension headaches, though other substances that affect the body like medication can also play a role
  • Lack of rest – fatigue, dry eyes, and other symptoms of exhaustion can also trigger tension headaches
  • Illnesses and infections – bacterial infections like sinusitis, the common cold, and the flu
  • Improper diet and hydration – skipping meals and not drinking water can also trigger acute tension headaches
  • Sudden changes in the environment – happens more often when your surroundings suddenly get cold

By understanding the triggers that can cause your tension headache, Metro Pain Centers is better able to recommend the best treatments that can work for your particular condition. Since the severity of your tension headache depends on what exactly caused it, getting an accurate diagnosis of your headaches is key to getting rid of them.

Different Treatment Options For Tension Headaches

Once you’ve understood the triggers for your headaches, it’s time to explore your options for treatment. Tension headaches don’t always require medical intervention, but it can make it easier to recover. Professional treatments in particular can be a huge help if you experience chronic tension headaches.

Some treatments you can consider include:

  • Prescription medication – meds like indomethacin work particularly well to reduce the inflammation that may be putting pressure on your nerves, causing you mild to severe pain
  • Antidepressants – by stabilizing your serotonin levels, your body is less affected by stress and reduces the severity of your tension headaches
  • Proper nutrition – getting enough food and water in your system can be enough to counteract the symptoms of your tension headaches and make them less likely to occur
  • OTC medication – products like aspirin can also help minimize the pain you feel during tension headache attacks, though you should only use these sparingly
  • Stress management – meditation, relaxation classes, and counseling can also help identify and mitigate the sources of stress that trigger your tension headaches

Why Finding The Right Healthcare Provider Is Important For Tension Headache Treatment

Tension headaches can be caused by many factors, and the treatments for them aren’t always going to be the same for each person. For people who suffer chronic tension headaches, it’s important to partner with a healthcare provider or medical professional that you can rely on for pain management and relief.

The right medical professional can recommend treatments that work best for your particular case of tension headache, or refer you to specialists who can recommend personalized treatments that can make you more resilient against tension headache attacks.

They can even help you by monitoring your chronic tension headaches for signs that it’s starting to turn into something more serious, like a stroke or an aneurysm. With their expert advice, you’ll be able to live a normal life without having to go through intensive procedures and treatments like surgery.

Preventive Treatments For Tension Headaches

For patients who suffer from chronic tension headaches, consistent treatment and pain management are required to prevent their condition from getting worse. Metro Pain Centers understands that dealing with the aftermath of chronic and severe headaches can be difficult, which is why we also offer a preventive stance to protect yourself against future tension headaches.

By taking steps to lessen the severity of your tension headaches or reduce the likelihood of them happening, you’re able to enjoy a drastically improved quality of life. Our consultations can help you identify your own personal triggers for your tension headaches, work on possible ways to avoid them, and come up with procedures that you can follow to lessen their severity if they ever do happen.

We believe in taking a personal approach to our tension headache treatments, customizing our recommendations to suit your lifestyle, routine, and type of tension headache. By closely working with you, you can avoid the worst of your tension headaches short and long-term.

FAQs About Tension Headache Treatments

Q: Can I manage tension headaches at home?

A: If you’re already familiar with your tension headache triggers and received advice from your doctor on how to treat them at home, managing tension headaches by yourself is perfectly fine. However, you should always keep an eye on your symptoms whenever it happens, so you can report to your doctor at once if a more severe symptom manifests itself.

Q: What’s the prognosis for people who have tension headaches?

A: With regular treatment and early detection, tension headaches respond well to treatment and rarely cause any long-term effects. Chronic tension headaches can be slightly more difficult to deal with, but with the support of a medical professional and preparation on your part, you’ll be able to live a normal, healthy life without having to worry about tension headaches too much.

Q: Do alternative treatments like acupuncture work?

A: Many patients often use acupuncture to boost the effects of their primary treatments for tension headaches, or to ease the symptoms. The crucial thing to remember here is that these treatments don’t have a strong scientific basis for treating the cause of tension headaches – they only work on the symptoms. Depending on your case, it may actually be more dangerous to you if you go for alternative treatments like this, which is why you should always consult your doctor before using them.

See A Specialist For Your Tension Headache Pain At Metro Pain Centers Today

Tension headaches are the most common type of headaches that you may encounter, and Metro Pain Centers is fully equipped to help you deal with the symptoms and other concerns that you may have with them. We work hard to make sure that each patient that we have who suffers from tension headache attacks receives the proper care and the relief that they want after each treatment, while also implementing long-term solutions to reduce the severity of tension headaches. Combined with our attention to customer experience, we ensure that your treatment sessions are effective as well as enjoyable.

You can contact Metro Pain if you need help with your tension headaches, chronic pain, and other similar concerns and headaches disorders. Contact us today to book your consultation.