Shoulder Impingement Doctor for Effective Pain Relief Treatment Plans

Custom Treatment Plans for Shoulder Pain at Metro Pain Centers

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Minimize Shoulder Pain and Reduce the Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement with Metro Pain Centers

Metro Pain Centers provide customized pain management plans for patients with chronic conditions. Shoulder impingement syndrome is the combination of rotator cuff tear and shoulder bursitis, which can result in a varying level of pain. For many, the pain can be debilitating and can reduce the quality of life and limit movement. With the help of a shoulder impingement doctor from our experienced team of medical professionals, you can minimize the effect shoulder impingement has on your life.

Nearly all people require shoulder movement for day-to-day activities. So, when you experience debilitating pain due to your shoulder impingement, it can affect your ability to do even the simplest everyday tasks. While some only need simple home remedies to recover from their condition, others may experience chronic shoulder impingement. To best manage the pain and prevent your condition from getting worse, you’ll need a customized treatment plan tailored to your condition.

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain or weakness, schedule a consultation with one of our shoulder impingement specialists. Metro Pain Centers is home to doctors, pain management experts, and other medical professionals that can help you manage your shoulder impingement, overcome its symptoms, and minimize its effects on your quality of life.

Understanding Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement, also known as shoulder impingement syndrome or swimmer’s shoulder, happens because of all the tissue, muscles, and bones surrounding your shoulder joints. Your shoulder joints are protected by a rotator cuff, which is a group of muscles and tendons that, aside from your joints, connect your upper arm bone to your shoulder bone, which can help with movement.

However, when you lift your arm, your shoulder blade may impinge on the rotator cuff tendon while simultaneously narrowing the space around the bursa, which is a thin sac that reduces friction during joint movement. As a result, the pressure in the area significantly increases while also irritating the rotator cuff by rubbing the area. Left untreated, this can cause shoulder instability that can wear out your muscles, bursae, and connective tissue, which can cause pain over time.  

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement?

Shoulder impingement is commonly caused by the overuse of your shoulder muscles. Overuse and overexertion of your shoulder joint can cause your tendons to swell, which can rub against your upper shoulder bone. And when your tendons swell it can increase in size and put excess pressure on the bursa.

The most common symptom of shoulder impingement is pain and stiffness when moving one or both shoulders, especially when reaching upwards and behind. However, this can also be a symptom of other conditions like rotator cuff injury, shoulder bursitis, or shoulder arthritis. If you suspect you have shoulder impingement or any other shoulder condition that’s causing debilitating pain, schedule an appointment with a shoulder specialist from Metro Pain Centers. Some of the other symptoms to look out for include:

  • Stiffness and throbbing shoulder
  • Swelling
  • Pain when putting pressure on the affected shoulder
  • Difficulty raising your arms over your head

If left untreated for a long time, the tendons in the rotator cuff can continue to wear down. This can intensify the pain, resulting in muscle weakness, or have difficulty lifting your shoulders. That’s why it’s essential to see a shoulder doctor as soon as possible.

Shoulder Impingement Treatment and Pain Relief at Metro Pain Centers

Diagnosing shoulder impingement as early as possible can help the outlook of your recovery. By stopping the damage in its tracks, it can minimize how much permanent damage is done and how easy (or difficult) it can be to manage the pain and symptoms. To diagnose shoulder impingement, doctors will perform a physical examination. Imaging tests like an x-ray or MRI scan or laboratory tests may be required to rule out other possible diagnoses.

Most acute cases of shoulder impingement can be treated with non-surgical procedures, and most patients learn to adapt and overcome their condition within the first two years of treatment. Very minor cases of shoulder impingement may take even less time, which is why it’s best to catch shoulder impingement early on. Some non-surgical options for your treatment plan at Metro Pain Centers can include:

  • Resting at home
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Physical therapy
  • Assistive devices (splints, braces, etc.)

For rare cases where non-surgical treatments are ineffective, surgery is usually a last option. An orthopedic specialist may widen the space around the rotator cuff to avoid your tendons from rubbing your shoulder bone. At Metro Pain Centers, we can provide you with a customized treatment plan to help you find the right methods that can effectively minimize the pain.

Why You Need Treatment from Metro Pain Centers for Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement can be a painful condition that can affect your efficiency for everyday tasks. For athletes or people with certain occupations, having shoulder impingements can affect your ability to perform. If left untreated, your shoulder impingement can continue to tear your tendons and put pressure on your bursa and joints, which can make recovery and pain management more difficult in the long run. With Metro Pain Centers, we can stop shoulder impingement from progressing and help you maintain your current condition while minimizing the pain.

Metro Pain Centers provides custom treatment plans for all its patients. We understand that everyone’s road to recovery from shoulder impingements can vary, so we provide you with options to help you determine which treatment is most effective for your needs.

FAQs About Shoulder Impingement

Q: Who is at risk of shoulder impingements?

A: The most common cause of shoulder impingement is overuse. This is why athletes have a higher risk of developing shoulder impingement, especially for sports like swimming, tennis, baseball, and more. Your occupation may also put you at risk, as manual laborers like construction workers, painters, and those working in factories are more likely to overexert their shoulder muscles. Age and injuries like a shoulder fracture or shoulder dislocation may also play a role in developing shoulder impingement.  

Q: What’s the outlook for patients with shoulder impingements?

A: Those who leave their condition untreated can see their impingements progress, which can intensify the pain and make treatment longer. Our patients who seek treatment manage to make full recovery from a few months to several years. They’re able to adapt to their condition and minimize its effect on their quality of life.

Q: What are my options for surgical treatment?

A: Surgical procedures for shoulder impingements are usually reserved for patients whose pain isn’t relieved by conservative treatment options. Your orthopedic surgeon may recommend arthroscopic shoulder decompression, a procedure that removes part of your shoulder bone to avoid it rubbing your rotator cuff.

Schedule an Appointment for Shoulder Impingements at Metro Pain Centers

Severe shoulder pain can hinder your quality of life and affect your occupation, sports, or general ability to move and function normally. Though many patients go on to live their best lives with our customized treatments, getting your condition checked, diagnosed, and treated is the first step towards a better and faster recovery.

With Metro Pain Centers, you can minimize the pain caused by shoulder impingements. Live life to the fullest by minimizing your condition’s effects on your life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and receive a customized treatment plan provided by a shoulder impingement doctor and experienced pain management specialists.